I am responsible for sustainability within Aviko. For us, sustainability means making the entire chain more sustainable – from farm to fork and everything in between. In line with our sustainability strategy, we are working on a future-proof, sustainable chain. I report directly to the CEO. This indicates how important Aviko finds the subject. Sustainability must be anchored in everything we do.
Our sustainability strategy ‘a future-proof, sustainable chain’ is a core part of our business strategy. The underlying goals are assigned to a specific board representative who, together with the team, is responsible for achieving the goals. My role is to set the pace, facilitate them, coordinate activities, drive initiatives and of course stimulate and motivate people. In the end, sustainability is not a target, but a mindset.
In the hustle and bustle of the day – in which it is simply necessary to run an organization – sustainability is not always everyone’s top priority. And I understand that too, it’s the short term versus the long term. That’s why I see myself as a change manager. Change takes time; it is up to me to continue to put this on the map and inspire people. I try to make it small and easy to grasp. I look at what is possible; for example by starting pilots. Preferably with customers, because if we do it for a customer, things suddenly move faster…
There are 1001 things running through my mind, but to keep it simple I would like to introduce 3 new Ps. We always talked about People, Planet and Profit, but it is time for a new focus :
Proof it: Let the data speak for us. Let’s have the right sustainability discussion based on data and facts. Consider scope 3 CO2 footprint of company and products or managing concrete chain risks.
Powerful partnerships: We really can’t do it alone. Find the right partners. Start the conversation precisely where the vulnerability is. This is also the best way to bring the outside inside (people from the entire chain) and get people moving also internally. Together, faster, sustainable.
Pioneering: Just start and build from there with those people who want to move forward, the pioneers. It is often 2 steps forward and just as quickly 1 or 1.5 steps back, but in the end we have progressed and learned. That is necessary.
I am most proud of where we are now. We now have a well-founded sustainability strategy that is integrated into the company. A selection of the successes achieved include the collaboration with Rabobank for our international Future-Proof Cultivation program and the so-called ‘Value Chain Agreement’ with customers and other chain partners around an emission-free chip chain. Another example is our Sustainability School. This is an initiative we have set up to make our own employees aware and competent in the subject of sustainability. This also allows them to have the right conversations with chain partners. Aviko also has one of the most sustainable cold stores in the world, we have a few electric trucks running and the first e-boilers are running in the factories. Too much to mention, and at the same time still enough to work on.
We have plenty of ideas! In any case, our climate action plans will then be completely SBTi-proof; This means a significant reduction in absolute CO2 emissions even though we are growing as a company. An enormous challenge, which we are happy to take on.
In addition, we have concrete plans to set up great strategic partnerships with customers and suppliers to achieve CO2 reductions, among other things.
Finally, the Sustainability School has been rolled out entirety, which means that everyone feels well equipped to embed sustainability in their daily work. I am convinced of that; Everyone wants to contribute to this agenda in his or her own way, as long as they know how.
Laws and regulations help us enormously to gain momentum and attention for sustainability. However, we should not lose ourselves completely in the rules, but also keep an eye on the soft side; bringing people along, internally and externally. Ultimately, it comes down to meaningful conversations with colleagues and chain partners to make it happen. Sustainability should not just be a goal, but a mindset that is supported by everyone in the organization. This means that everyone must be involved, not just the specialists. In addition, trends in the food industry show that sustainability is becoming increasingly relevant. It is important not to lose sight of this strategic point of view.
Customer Engagement Manager
Don’t hesitate to call Iris directly via +31 (0)6 10 81 9420.
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