Performance & Reporting

We enable you to bring your organization’s performance to new heights. Finding new ways of organizing and performing, using an integrated approach for performance management. One that looks beyond financial metrics. We support in SBTi and CSRD and enable improved performance of your organization.

Performance Management

Performance management is the heartbeat of every organization. We offer you a holistic perspective on performance management. One that works on both short-term performances as well as long-term performances. Looking beyond financial value.

Performance Assessment

We help you identify untapped potential in your organization and help your company deliver the required performance.

First, we connect your team’s ambition with your strategic goals and define a shared vision. 

Next, we assess your organization’s current performance on 4 dimensions: its organizational structure, processes, governance model, and its culture. Creating a full picture of your capabilities, issues and improvement potential on performance management

A concrete and comprehensive performance improvement plan to tap into your potential and work towards your goals.

Sustainable Performance Model

Stimulating integrated decision making by implementing governance models in all layers of the organization. Combining financials and non-financial goals therefore embedding your impact on the environment and stakeholders in your governance.

We assess current key performance indicators (KPIs) and meetings structures, exploring issues with the current governance model. 

From there we define relevant KPIs and design your new governance model. Off course we also help you turn this into reality.


A governance model that connects strategic goals with day-to-day operational performances

Value Optimization

We help teams embed a way-of-working to excel and deliver impact. By combing tools and methods from operational excellence, Agile, LEAN and change management, we bring you structures and a culture to create more value every day.

Continuous Improvement

Making impact is nowadays your license to operate. We help teams to work according to continuous improvement principles. Making it part of your operations. Creating more value every day.

First, we assess your improvement potential. Always including sustainability perspectives: reducing material use, reducing waste, improving working conditions et cetera. 

Next, we set up an improvement plan and a structure to measure delivered value. We implement improvements together with your organization. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder and making continuous improvement part of the culture so that teams identify and implement improvements by themselves.

Teams empowered to create more value every day.

Value Chain Optimization

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Reconsider your value chain because making impact is about working together. 

We start by assessing your organization. What are essential capabilities for you core business? Then, we explore the market. What are the needs of your suppliers, partners and customers? Any new market developments we need to consider? Via our network we bring parties together to share insights and goals. 

From there we bring it back: what kind of organization, processes, governance, capabilities and partnerships do we need to improve our impact and deliver more value to our company and society? 

A design and structure to improve your impact and create more value within your value chain


We believe that CSRD is not just a checklist and reporting guideline. We believe it is an important step towards a value-driven economy, allowing organizations to positively distinguish themselves from competition and towards customers.

Wij helpen om inzicht te krijgen in de impact van CSRD op jouw organisatie en om de benodigde stappen te nemen om klaar te zijn voor de CSRD.


For many organizations, CSRD is seen as a ‘multi-headed monster’. The requirements to be compliant are often seen as large and comprehensive.

For companies who are just starting, we support with a CSRD Quickscan. After an introduction training, we perform a high-level analysis among internal employees and external stakeholders. This way, we obtain information on material topics, the gap with the required CSRD compliancy level, the ambition of the client regarding CSRD and quick wins.

For other companies, we support in every step of the journey; double materiality assessment, ambition, GAP analysis, roadmap, data gathering and impact reporting. We support with the implementation of the CSRD, a pragmatic approach to embed the required way of working in your organization.


We all need to pick up the pace to limit global warming. We support with setting science-based targets – targets in line with what climate science sees as necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

It starts with assessing your impact on climate, calculting your emissions in scope 1, 2 and 3. We guide you through the SBTi proces: commit, develop, submit, communicate and disclose. We do this with a focus on both head and heart.

On the head/ structure side, we support in choosing the right target-setting methods ensuring your target is science-based, and both ambitious and realistic. 

On the heart/ culture side, we ensure commitment of your organisation’s leadership and ownership of required initiatives to ensure performance on the target is monitored and improvements will be implemented. So the target will be achieved by the target year.

Werken met hoofd & hart

We werken altijd vanuit onze unieke ‘head & heart’ methode. We begrijpen bedrijven en we begrijpen hoe gedragsverandering werkt. We transformeren zowel de business kant als de menskant.

We werken met hoofd, hart en ziel. We begrijpen hoe bedrijven werken en snappen hoe gedragsverandering werkt. We analyseren de zakelijke kant (organisatiestructuur, governance, prestatiemanagement, rollen en verantwoordelijkheden) en de menskant (leiderschap, cultuur, gedrag, leren & ontwikkelen).

Laat onze cases je inspireren om sneller en verder te gaan. Op weg naar een duurzaam bedrijf.


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Sustainability & Innovation

You’re navigating the sustainability landscape. You want to make more impact.

We help you towards a sustainable business model.

Change & Transformation

You’re heading in a new direction. Your organization needs to change, big time.

We support to change the structure and culture of your organization.

"Ik wil positieve impact maken via mijn klant-projecten."