Change & Transformation

We support to change the structure and culture of your organization. Change is not easy. Our work is top-down and bottom-up. That’s how we guide your leadership, employees, and value chain partners through the change. Developing new behaviors and inclusive ways of working. When it’s big, our transformation approach ensures the shift.

Change Management

You’re heading in a new direction. Your company needs to change. Big time.

We work top-down and bottom-up. Guiding leaders and employees through this change.

Change Impact Assessment

Wat moet er precies veranderen? We brengen dat samen met de leiders van de verandering in kaart.

First, we get the right people on board: the change leaders. Together, we create a vision for the future. What will the organization look like? 

Next, we specify the changes that are needed. Think of new organizational structures, processes, and roles. Comparing this to the current organization, we identify the impact. What the change entails for everyone. Together, we make an overview of activities needed to support this change.

A detailed insight of changes and their impact, supported by your change leaders.

Change Engagement

Now you know what is changing, you can start to plan the route to change. We help involve all stakeholders in this change.
We use a differentiated approach to the different stakeholder groups, depending on the way they are impacted by the change.

We stimulate change so that the stakeholders WANT the change and are ABLE, ALLOWED and HAVE to adapt the new ways of working.

We make sure there’s a two-way communication, using the knowledge of not only leaders but also employees. We adapt the activities to the organization’s culture and needs.

Sneller veranderen door alle stakeholders te betrekken.

Leadership & Team Development

Change is not easy. You need a diverse team that takes responsibility and collaborate successfully.

We help your leaders & teams to further develop and increase performance.

Team Ontwikkeling

We provide insights in the strengths of your leaders and teams, using renowned methodologies. Our consultants are certified CliftonStrengths and MyDrives coaches.

First, the team members compete an assessment and learn about their own profile. We help them appreciate how they can use their strengths in their work.

Then, we create a team overview. What are dominant traits in the group? Are there any blind spots? 

Next, we discuss how individual preferences and strengths steer interaction. How can we celebrate our differences and tap into each others’ strengths to achieve company objectives?

Verbeterde team prestaties door wederzijds begrip.

Leadership Development

As a leader, you need to be conscious of your leadership style. By adapting your style to the needs of your employees, organization, and other stakeholders, you can be more successful.

We start with your leadership team: what kind of leaders does your organization want and need? 

Next, we zoom in on individual leaders and have one-on-one conversations. How do you see yourself as a leader and how do you want to grow? 

Next, we make sure that the leaders grow in their role and feel comfortable to have meaningful conversations with their team members. 

Finally, we reflect one-on-one with the leaders on their progress.

Leiders die toegerust zijn om verandering te leiden en teamgeest te stimuleren.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We believe that true sustainability encompasses not just environmental stewardship but also a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion to foster social impact.

We support you to do good.

Inspiration & Training

Doing good is actually good for business as inclusive organizations tend to score higher on customer satisfaction, employee engagement and overall business performance. 

First, we help your organization understand what DEI means and how it relates to your everyday business by organizing sessions to create awareness on inclusion and diversity within the organization. 

Second, on specific and relevant DEI related topics, we organize workshops and trainings.

Awareness and understanding of DEI and its principles. The ability to discover what you need to do to grow towards an inclusive company.

Ambition & Strategy

We offer a holistic approach to intertwine DEI strategies with sustainability initiatives.
We help make DEI a part of your total business strategy to grow towards an inclusive organization and translate your DEI ambition into a specific DEI strategy to increase employee engagement and really tap into the potential of your company. We do this by providing comprehensive surveys, tailored training and vision & strategy workshops.
Your social impact ambitions are embedded in your business strategy and translated into roadmaps and strategic initiatives

Transformation Management

Is your organization future-proof? Can your organization realize its sustainable ambition?

If the answer is ‘no’, this can be a reason to start a transformation. For a successful transformation, we focus on both the structure and culture side of your organization and make the shift happen.

Transformation approach

How can we go from A to B to realize the transformation? We believe that you should focus on both the business as well as behavioral aspects of an organization. Therefore, we use our proven Head and Heart approach.
We start with the vision. Once we know where we want to go to, we can set-up a transformation approach including interventions on the business side (organization design, processes, roles & responsibilities, meetings, reporting, systems) as well as the people side (leadership, behaviour, learning & development).
A transformation approach to successfully guide the stakeholders to the new ways of working.

Transformation program

How can you mobilize the rest of your organization to accelerate the transformation? We break down the transformational journey into small steps. We think big, start small, act now.

First, we mobilize frontrunners in workshops where we cocreate the new way of working and start to apply this in a concrete project or scoped area. This way we bring the change alive and generate learnings. We integrate these insights into a program which will be implemented to all departments. 

The next step is to set-up success profiles to clarify the roles & responsibilities and to train the people in the new process, system and capabilities.

Inspired stakeholders with a first ‘proof of concept’ of the change and momentum for your transformation program.

Werken met hoofd & hart

We werken altijd vanuit onze unieke ‘head & heart’ methode. We begrijpen bedrijven en we begrijpen hoe gedragsverandering werkt. We transformeren zowel de business kant als de menskant.

We werken met hoofd, hart en ziel. We begrijpen hoe bedrijven werken en snappen hoe gedragsverandering werkt. We analyseren de zakelijke kant (organisatiestructuur, governance, prestatiemanagement, rollen en verantwoordelijkheden) en de menskant (leiderschap, cultuur, gedrag, leren & ontwikkelen).



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Sustainability & Innovation

You’re navigating the sustainability landscape. You want to make more impact.

We help you towards a sustainable business model.

Performance & Reporting

You’re facing a challenge. You want to improve, perform fast and proof it. 

We support in SBTi and CSRD and enable improved performance of your organization.

"Ik wil positieve impact maken via mijn klant-projecten."